Understanding User Roles in Knowby Pro

This article provides a detailed comparison of the rights and permissions associated with the Admin/Owner, Editor, and Reader roles in Knowby Pro.



Owner / Admin



Manage Own account

  • update profile info

  • delete

✔️ ✔️ ✔️

View Published knowbys




  • Create a knowby

  • Edit a knowby

  • Delete my knowby




To be able to create Public knowbys




Edit any existing knowby




Delete any existing knowby




Unpublish a knowby




Review others' knowbys

  • Reject knowbys;

  • Publish knowbys




Moderate all knowbys

  • Delete all existing knowbys in the system;

  • View and answer feedback;

  • Delete feedback




View Analytics




View Completions




Manage Categories

  • Add

  • Edit

  • Delete




Manage Organisation (customising org)

  • Add

  • Edit

  • Delete




Manage Users

  • Add

  • Edit

  • Delete




Invite a user to the org

  • resend invite, remove invite.
