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Workplace Health and Safety with Knowby

Knowby Pro, with its tailored features and robust capabilities, is transforming the Workplace Health and Safety Industry. By offering clear step-by-step instructions, Knowby Pro empowers both employee training and workplace safety. Whether it's proper manual handling, emergency evacuation procedures, equipment operation, or safety compliance, Knowby Pro's scannable QR codes put vital information at your fingertips. This supports employees in skill enhancement and helps maintain a secure working environment. Explore more to see how Knowby Pro can take your workplace health and safety standards to the next level.

9 steps to safer manual handling techniques
9 steps to safer manual handling techniques

Did you know manual handling causes over a third of all workplace injuries? It's not always easy to avoid manual handling, but when you do need to lift, carry, and move, follow these 9 safe manual handling techniques.

Working Safely on Tractors
Working Safely on Tractors

Tractors play an important role on most farms, and proper training and use of farm equipment is essential in keeping everyone healthy and safe. Use this step-by-step knowby to learn how to operate the tractor properly.

Proper Handwashing Technique
Proper Handwashing Technique

Step-by-step guide on thoroughly washing hands to minimise disease spread.

Personal Protective Equipment | Construction Safety
Personal Protective Equipment | Construction Safety

One moment without the right personal protective equipment (PPE) can mean a lifetime of injury. Follow the step-by-step manual to ensure your safety.

Hearing Protection | Construction Safety
Hearing Protection | Construction Safety

When we are exposed to loud noises over long periods of time or even short periods of time when the noise is above 140 decibels we are at increased risk of losing our ability to hear. To protect yourself, use protective equipment by following these knowby.

Fire Extinguisher Use
Fire Extinguisher Use

Step-by-step guide on choosing the right fire extinguisher and using it effectively.

Essential Ladder Setup Guide
Essential Ladder Setup Guide

Learn the crucial steps for safe and stable ladder setup with our concise guide. Maximise safety and productivity for all your climbing needs.

Desk Ergonomics Setup
Desk Ergonomics Setup

Instructions on setting up a workstation to ensure ergonomic safety and prevent musculoskeletal issues.

Pre-start checks for two-wheel motorcycle
Pre-start checks for two-wheel motorcycle

Secure your safety before hitting the fields. This Knowby guides you through vital checks for your two-wheel farm motorcycle, ensuring it's ready to ride.

Sign Up to Knowby Pro Today!

Empower your workforce with Knowby Pro! Sign up now for a free 30-day trial. No credit card required.